Complete dentures are fabricated using the best quality american materials, with either porcelain or acrylic teeth. They are removable appliances and they are used to replace missing teeth as well as surrounding tissue. Complete dentures are indicated for patients that are missing all their teeth, either in their upper jaw, lower jaw, or both. Here, at UltraDent Dental Clinic we use very experienced lab technicians that following the dentist?s indications will design your dentures to closely resemble your natural teeth and enhance your smile. Dentures will provide the support needed to prevent the surrounding facial muscles from sagging, and consequently give you a much younger and healthier appearance.
Here at Ultradent, we are all dedicated to please our patients as humanly possible. We will make your dentures step by step, and just before we finish them, we will fit them in your mouth with the teeth mounted in a wax frame. We will show them to you, and according to your personal final indications, we will then be able to correct them until the last detail Then and only until then, we will proceed to finish them, and of course, we will make sure that you will get a set of dentures you will feel very comfortable with, and also very proud of.

If you need to have dentures (either top, bottom or both) and at the same time you need to have some or all of your teeth extracted due to severe gum disease, generalized infection, bone structure loss, or any other valid reason, we will be able to take impressions, run fittings in your first appointment, and fabricate your denture(s), so they will be ready 24 hours later. Next, we will extract your teeth and fit the denture(s) in, right away. This procedure is called immediate prosthesis. If you decide to have your denture(s) done this way, (recommended), you will not have to be without teeth any single day. In the following two or three months after the teeth are extracted and due to the normal gum shrinkage, you may need to have a temporary reline, which is the correction of the inside part of the denture(s) so they will be adjusted to the new shape of your gums. About six months after the extractions, when your gums will be permanently healed and shaped, we recommend you to have a new set of dentures that will perfectly fit you totally healed gums and will remain with no significant change for many years to come.Here at Ultradent, we are all dedicated to please our patients as humanly possible. We will make your dentures step by step, and just before we finish them, we will fit them in your mouth with the teeth mounted in a wax frame. We will show them to you, and according to your personal final indications, we will then be able to correct them until the last detail Then and only until then, we will proceed to finish them, and of course, we will make sure that you will get a set of dentures you will feel very comfortable with, and also very proud of.
Imagine This! Visit UltraDent Dental Clinic in the morning, have the mini implants placed in less than two hours, then go out and enjoy your favorite lunch. Eat comfortably, have a pleasant conversation, laugh and talk with confidence. Your denture feels secure and is being held firmly in place. All of this is available at an extremely affordable price.

Full Dentures (Acrylic Teeth Complete Set) |
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Full Dentures
(Porcelain Teeth Complete Set)
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